Years ago, I began writing about my downsizing efforts and it took quite a while, as well as one major move.
This morning, I scanned and boxed books I don't need anymore. These books are being bought for a
by a company called momox here in Germany. I typed in
the ISBN number online and the amount they offered me popped up (or didn’t). If
they made an offer, it was around 15 cents for the book. Some travel guides got
over a euro, which surprised me.
I still
have pangs when selling my books, although I read them last years ago. After repeating my mantra “I am more
than my books”, it was easier to part with them and appreciate them for
informing and entertaining me during a past phase of my life. Mama put up more of a fight because she
actually felt that she was throwing her life away, in the form of her books.
So it’s
great that I am not really decluttering anymore, my flat is just on an occasional diet! By accessing my life at the moment
and ridding my apartment of the things I don’t need or want anymore, it is not overwhelming. There is no way I’m going to schlep all
these books and things I don’t use when I move again!
What it
comes down to is self-honesty.
Yeah, so I didn’t actually read this or use that. As Mama always said, “Get down off the
cross, we need the wood”! I’m
losing the Teflon pans and unhealthy foods. I'm using my acrylic paints even though I'd like to stock up on oils. My CD’s are still staring accusingly at me. Maybe my students want some of them?
(Somehow the mothers are never so enthusiastic as their kids when I do a CD,
book or stuff dump on their kids…)