Monday, December 31, 2012

Baby steps to change my way of living

Dec. 31, 2012

Baby Steps to change my way of living

Even though I am on vacation, I can work on this seemingly mammoth project by slowly replacing my bad habits with healthy ones.

I've already bought several books, some of which I'll read and leave here in the US. If I think of all the books I have, I realize that I could never read them all, even if I read 24/7 for the next 10 years! One of my first tasks will be selling the books I don't need. Some I can donate, some I can sell. I am not quite sure how to go about this but I am sure that my patience is going to get stretched.

Then I will attack the CD collection which is only a bookshelf full. Maybe the library would be interested.

Thank God for digital photography. I won't have any photographs of the last six years to discard or paste into an album.

My goal is to have NO things in my apartment that I don't or haven't used in the last two years. Lots of luck with that!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Downsizing my stuff

December 30, 2012

Woah, I am psyched!

I am  starting a project called "Downsize your Stuff - Upsize your Life!".

I want to take a hard look at my things as to 1) why I bought them and 2) why I keep them. Then I want to move the things I am storing slowly but surely into other hands. The ultimate goal is moving to a smaller apartment.

A lot of it is probably the same "life myth" I use to keep stupid stocks: I only lose money if I sell them!!

I have been watching how combining things with personal identity can tie up your life and rob your personal freedom. Now I need to turn this info into a belief and, with that, move into action.

Watching my rich 87-year-old aunt struggle with her huge house and museum-like contents, I see what could happen to me in the future. Even now, I feel tied to my apartment because moving would 1) make me have to confront my "thängs" and decide what goes and what stays plus 2) make me need to earn enough money to afford the kind of living quarters that I need for all the stuff I'm not using.

Letting go has a lot to do with refusing to feel guilty about having bought the things. That just makes me keep them! Maybe I need a round of appreciation for the fact that I used them or had something planned with them. Then really let go of the stuff I will probably never use (again) and then being realistic about future projects (Like I am not really SURE if I am going to use all that art stuff I bought - my Mama is worse- she has bought easles, books and supplies which are cluttering her little room).

Watch this space.