Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The worst enemy in the war against clutter is procrastination.

Lots of people talk about the novel they are going to write or the downsizing they have as a goal. If you’re going to get that novel written, apply for that college or meet your goal of downsizing, you’ve got to be a self-starter.

One of the best ways to make the most of your day, your time, your life, is to take advantage of the ‘POWER OF 15 PRINCIPLE’... in its simplest explanation this means find 15 minutes (900 seconds) a day to work at something you want to do, to learn, to try, to be.

Whether it's a new language, learning about the requirements to get into college, practicing interviewing techniques for job interviews, or increasing your vocabulary by reading a book or the dictionary - you find 15 minutes each day to work at it. This helps you stay consistent, keeps your motivation revved up and often leads to more time (than just 15 minutes) devoted to reaching the goal. 

Everyone has 15 minutes to spare out of a 24 hour day. You can set your alarm earlier, go to bed later, skip Dancing with the Stars, or spend a little less time phoning, texting, tweeting or Facebooking. We all have places in our daily schedule where time slips through the cracks.

So, what if you only apply the 15 minutes a day rule 6 days week for 1 whole year? You will have devoted 78 hours to your goal! EVERYONE can find 15 minutes a day to improve themselves and reach their goals. If you use the ‘POWER OF 15 PRINCIPLE’ every day, you will have magically spent at least 91.25 hours on your goal. That’s the equivalent of more than two 40-hour work-weeks that have been moved you toward your goals with hardly an ounce of inconvenience. Now THAT is going to get you somewhere!

In so doing, you can find time for regular exercise; for writing your novel; for blogging; for photography, art or educating yourself in an area of interest. You might want to use it for small areas of the basement or garage and even for de-cluttering your cupboards. You could teach yourself a musical instrument; spend more beautiful moments with your kids; sew an heirloom patchwork quilt; or take some time for the garden. Grab two or three 15 minute blocks and achieve more than one goal. The potential is enormous.

Identify your goal, plan for it and achieve it - 15 minutes at a time!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What kind of clutterer are you?

What kind of clutterer are you?

The Behind-Closed-Doors Clutterer

Home looks pristine and well organized—until you start opening closet doors and are suddenly buried by file folders, moth-eaten coats, broken lamps, old kitchen appliances, paper towels, holiday decorations, and shopping bags full of purchases no one ever got around to returning. The BCD clutterer lives in some flawless future universe instead of creating solutions that work today.

Perfectionists, control freaks, harried working moms, anyone who's time-starved and overbooked

Three-Step Plan

1. Get over yourself. 

"With clutter, the great is the enemy of the good," says Peter Walsh, organization expert. In other words, that injury-inducing hall closet is the manifestation of your shame at failing to live up to your own unrealistically high housekeeping expectations. 

2. Start with small, manageable chunks. 

"This type of clutter is about delayed decisions," says Walsh. If perfecting a chic shoe-organizing system or deciding which wedding gifts to return is too difficult, start with something less emotionally laden, like the tangle of paper clips overrunning your junk drawer. Better yet, confine the task to a time frame: I will clean this closet for exactly 15 minutes. The next day, repeat. 

3. Enlist a friend. 

If you can't find time to spontaneously tackle your secret messes, schedule it—and invite a trusted relative or friend to help. By ceding some control to an impartial outsider, you'll keep things in perspective and make the process much more fun. Are you really going to repair those cracked candelabras? And what on Earth are you still doing with that neon green '80s-issue ski jacket?

The Knowledge Clutterer

Stockpiles every book she has ever read or hopes to read, and/or every issue of Architectural Digest ever published—believing, as Walsh explains, "that if she owns the book, then she somehow owns the knowledge, even if she never reads the book or takes it off the shelf." When she encounters an interesting article online, prints it and stashes it in an overstuffed file folder.

Book club members; enthusiasts of coffee table tomes on interior design; recent college grads wanting to show off their feminist poetry collections.

Three-Step Plan

1. Go digital whenever possible. 

While nothing can replace a beloved, well-worn novel, We have an entire library at our disposal nowadays via the Internet. It's not necessary to own hard copies of everything. In other words, those guilty-pleasure page-turners, celebrity memoirs, and how-to books you'll read only once can live on your e-reader. And when you come across an interesting article online, e-mail yourself the URL and store these e-mails in folders labeled "interesting articles" or "weeknight dinner recipe".

2. Manage magazines. 

Certain issues of favorite magazines you'll just want to hold on to forever. But if your living room is blanketed with weeklies dating to 2007, consider implementing a system: Keep the current issue and two back issues. As new titles arrive, donate the old ones to a local hospital. And remember: The definition of a periodical is that there is always another one coming.

3. Establish clear limits. 

Designate a clearly defined area for your book and magazine collection, whether that means one shelf or six. What matters is that when you've filled the allotted area, you donate an old title to make room for any new ones. To prevent your nightstand from being swallowed by half-read paperbacks, try a bin or basket large enough to contain only three or four books; to add another, you must remove one first.

The Techie Clutterer

Drawers, cabinets, and desk weighed down by a metastasizing tangle of cords, chargers, remotes, and half-full USB drives, many belonging to clunky devices dating to the '90s. 

Twenty- and 30-something Apple devotees; eBay enthusiasts; grandparents terrified to pitch the cord that connects their digital camera to their computer. 

Three-Step Plan

1. Banish boxes. 

There was a time when you could sell used electronics, so it made sense to keep the original packaging. Unfortunately, no one wants your old gadgets anymore. Technology moves too fast. Recycling an item's box within a month of purchase and donating old devices to a women's shelter might be better ideas. (When you move, pack your electronics in bubble wrap—or better yet, a towel.)

2. Label all wires. 

With a label maker or small piece of masking tape, differentiate camera cords from BlackBerry chargers; note contents of all minidrives. If you're feeling ambitious, corral wires into a "charging station" to eliminate the nightly game of hide-and-seek with your phone cord.

3. Store smartly. 

You might consider labeling four shoebox-size containers "look," "listen," "travel," and "data," and placing them on a shelf. "Look" stores anything visual (the charger and memory card for your camera); "Listen", anything audio related (iPod accessories, an iPhone car charger); "Travel," anything vacation related (a portable GPS, plug adaptors); and "Data"—well, you get the picture (mini flash drives, a wireless network card).

The Sentimental Clutterer/Family Historian

Hoards baby clothes, kindergarten papier-mâché creations, and grade school report cards belonging to fully grown offspring—wrongly assuming said offspring will someday want them; stores acres of unsorted boxes of deceased relatives' clothing, tchotchkes, and war memorabilia in attic, basement, and closets.

Besotted parents; empty nesters; women of a certain age who have suffered loss and/or who feel a responsibility to preserve family heirlooms and history.

Three-Step Plan

1. Establish a hierarchy of value. 

You must distinguish between your grandfather's World War II medals and the box of receipts he used to support his tax claims in 1982. In other words, distill ten boxes of family mementos down to one containing only the most meaningful items. Having a hard time parting with your great-grandmother's musty aprons? Remember, no one who loved you and wanted what's best for you would want your life and home overrun with their stuff.

2. Start a family history wall. 

How about framing a few old photos alongside shadowboxes containing your mother's favorite ceramic piece or her beloved recipe cards—the things that most remind you of her or "make your heart sing when you look at them?  When you treat the real treasures with honor and respect, it becomes easier to let the rest go.

3. Establish limits on kids' artwork. 

If your children are still young, stop the pileup in its tracks by prominently displaying one or two of each kid's best efforts in an Ikea frame or under Plexiglas on the kitchen table. Each week or month, let the child pick a new favorite piece. Photograph all other items and store the photos in yearly albums (while quietly disappearing the originals).

The Bargain Shopper/Coupon Clutterer

Prides herself on clipping coupons and sourcing online promotion codes; keeps her kitchen, bedroom, and garage stocked with three years' worth of paper towels, mixed nuts, and orange Tic Tacs; spends $10 on gas speeding to three different megastores to save $10 on diapers for children not yet born; is driven by the misguided notion that 'if I own it, I am better off, regardless of what it does to my space, my finances, or my relationships'. 

Stay-at-home moms; retirees; anyone with a membership to Costco or Sam's Club.

Three-Step Plan

1. Limit purchases you don't plan to use immediately. 

If you can't park your car in the garage because it's full of toilet paper, you may be out of control. Designate just one area or shelf for bulk purchases; when it's full, stop buying.

2. Recognize that you're being had. 

In order to create a sense of urgency around bargains, retailers study and carefully design everything from lighting to floor texture to distance to the register. Feel like you're getting the steal of the year? That's probably by design, too.

3. Find a new hobby. 

If you find yourself cruising Target or the grocery store on weekends while your husband is watching football, maybe you should be more creative with your spare time. Play tourist in your own city; take a class; choose a local charity and donate your skills. Break your addiction to the cheap rush of bargains. "As my grandmother used to say," quips Peter Walsh, "'you can go broke saving money.'"


Monday, June 17, 2013

Release your brakes!

Release your brakes!

„Life is a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use.“ – Charles Schulz

Do ever have the feeling that there is more to you than you appear?  Something in you that not even you have experienced –yet.

Most people don’t live up to their potential. They take the easy way. Blame it on rotten genes, poor family, no breaks, bad luck. Why try?

“When a man has put a limit on what he will do, he has put a limit on what he can do.” –Charles Schwab

Your potential is a picture of what you could become. Add to that the belief that you have what it takes, it becomes the concept of what you CAN become. Inventor Thomas Edison remarked, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.” It might even be that if you looked in the mirror and could see yourself in terms of your true potential, you wouldn’t recognize yourself!

Self-imposed limitations hold us back as much as real ones. Yet belief alone is not enough.

With belief comes action.

Up until 1954, the four-minute-mile was considered impossible. But Roger Bannister set out to prove the opposite.  
Bannister achieved this on May 6th 1954 at Iffley Road Track in Oxford. When the announcer declared "The time was three...", the cheers of the crowd drowned-out the details of the result, which was 3 min 59.4 sec.
Bannister's record only lasted 46 days. And THAT is the most interesting thing about the whole feat! This notable act has been repeated time and time again. But why not before Bannister? Because it was considered impossible and everyone bought into that limit.

What most people don’t know is that Bannister went on to become a doctor. Bannister himself considered his achievements for mankind through his work in medicine much more notable than the 4-minute-mile!

The deliciousness of being alive

When someone is pursuing their dream, they’ll go far beyond what seems to be their limitations. When people think of their limits, they create them!

It’s a matter of psychological strength. It’s about what lies within you and whether you can bring it out. Wishing is not a strategy. Hope is not a plan. Results come from action. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Birthday Wish

June 4

Wee, today is my birthday!

I am back in the states visiting my lovely old mama. She has had to deal with clutter and stuff and has never won the battle. I am tossing things out for her that she doesn't even see anymore. Like Tylenol from 1999!

My wish for the day is that we all get a handle on our clutter and find the most wonderful lives! Even better than they are already.