Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Spirit of Personal Kaizen

The Spirit of Personal Kaizen

Now that so much has been decluttered and everything has a home, your main job is maintenence, that is, keeping everything neat and organized.

Or is it?

Kaizen, which in Japanese means ‘continuous improvement’, is a management technique developed in Japan to bring about continuous improvement in operations of an organization, with widespread involvement of employees at all levels of organization. Application of kaizen improves organizational performance through many small improvements rather just a few major improvements. Kaizen aims to improve all the processes in an organization and it involves everyone in the organization.
The core of the kaizen system is organizing almost the entire work force in teams and empowering them to become effective tools for improvement in the organization. These teams, in addition to performing their routine jobs are expected to do the following:
  • Identify problems and opportunities for improvement in the current working methods.
  • Develop and suggest ways of overcoming problems and improving performance.
  • Implement improved methods.

Change does not have to happen through instantaneous breakthroughs, or through desperation or inspiration.  It can occur in small steps, doing the little things just a little bit better, and doing away with ineffective habits and behaviors over time.

1) To start your own kaizen process, make a list of things you would like to be, do, and have.  
2) Next to these, write down one step you can take, starting today, that will get you closer to these goals.
3) Next, make a list of those things you are tolerating in your life but don’t want.  Bad coffee at the office?  Nasty mother-in-law?  Friend who uses you?  What do you whine about?  
4) Now, next to each toleration in your life, note if you can control it or if you’ll have to change your thoughts about it–is there a better, more empowering way to think about it?  Are there some positive aspects you aren’t seeing?  With each toleration you can change, take one small step today to make the change.  Stop complaining, and act on them.
5) What are some bad habits you have?  How can you change them through small steps?

Don’t just maintain – get even better!

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