May 29, 2014
Upsize your wallet by downsizing your living
Downsizing a
home isn’t only for retirees and empty nesters. In today’s economic
environment, downsizing a home can make a lot of financial sense.
habitually shut down sub-performing facilities, discontinue product lines, or
take other drastic measures to free up the firm’s finances. Intelligent damage control. The same thing
occurs, on a smaller and much more personal scale, when you downsize your
living quarters.
A smaller
home could mean a smaller price – and a smaller payment. If you lose your job,
wouldn’t a 50 percent smaller payment on your house, condo or flat be nice? And
if you don’t lose your job? How about all that you can undertake with a bit of
extra cash in the till?
A monthly
mortgage payment or even rent is generally the largest single expenditure
people face. It regularly accounts for 30% or more of the monthly expenses.
Downsizing your living quarters can have a dramatic and direct effect on those
expenses. At the very least, it can result in a significant reduction in your monthly expenditures, a significant
increase in your free cash flow and massive savings in interest if you are
paying back a loan. And what about the attractive opportunity of using the
proceeds from the sale of your larger home to buy a smaller one obviously
resulting in a much smaller mortgage. Or maybe no mortgage at all…
So by
downsizing your living quarters, you may be upsizing your lifestyle!
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