Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spend Your Retirement Traveling

Many avid travelers fantasize about ditching all their possessions and hitting the road during retirement. Lynne and Tim Martin have actually done it.

Three years ago they sold their house in California, gave away any belongings that wouldn’t fit in a 10 foot by 15 foot storage locker and declared themselves “home free.” Her memoir, Home Sweet Anywhere: How We Sold Our House, Created a New Life, and Saw the World, is one of two new books that cater to an apparently growing number of baby boomers who would like to spend their golden years as ex-pats.

For the Martins that has meant renting apartments or houses in various locations, mostly in Europe, for two or three months at a time and going native: stocking up in the spice bazaar of Istanbul, shopping for produce at the biweekly market in the 15th Arrondissement of Paris and exploring London from a suburban outpost. About 18 months into the journey, work became part of their routine, after Lynne Martin’s Wall Street Journal article describing themselves as “senior gypsies” led to a book contract. By then they had already lived in Mexico, Argentina, Florida, Turkey, France, Italy and England.

“We meet people who are realizing that they have a lot longer to live than anticipated,” she says. “They are thinking, ‘maybe I can do something more exciting than live at 234 Poplar Street’” (or wherever).
I caught up with Lynne, an effervescent 73-year-old and Tim, 68, her muse, this week in New York. It’s their latest home-free destination and they have rented a house for two and a half months on Staten Island – a remote borough that many New Yorkers have never visited, but where money goes further. In fact, for $2,700 per month, they snagged a two-bedroom apartment in a rambling Victorian that’s been carved into rental units, with a head-on view of lower Manhattan. By New York standards, it’s a steal.

They arrived there refreshed after several months in California, most of it in Paso Robles, which is the place they used to call home. Now it’s where they touch down between jaunts, to see their four adult children and seven grandchildren, whose ages range from 6 to 15; and schedule dental and medical checkups. In a town where they once owned a spacious house with a garden, they now hole up in a one-bedroom rented condo. Sure, they could have kept the house or rented it, but made a “psychological” decision to sell, Tim Martin says. “We needed to separate ourselves from our stuff,” he explains, and not to have the responsibilities of home ownership trailing them around the world.

They have given a financial advisor total authority to invest their nest egg  – to some minds a risky proposition, but not to them. It consists of the proceeds of their home sale, plus what they’ve been able to save during what for each of them has been an eclectic work life. He’s been a lyricist and owned an electronics store; she’s a serial entrepreneur who worked most recently as a publicist.

They live off the income from these investments — about $6,000 dollars a month — plus their Social Security checks. It’s easiest to budget on an annual basis, so if they spend more than usual for a stay in London, for example, their next stop might be Berlin, where it’s possible to live more frugally.
He books rentals far in advance through and, both of which have local representatives who can help them get oriented in unfamiliar lodgings. They are not keen on the idea of Airbnb, which typically doesn’t involve human contact. And if they don’t like a place, they’re not beyond making an early exit — like the time they bolted from an un-air-conditioned Florence apartment in the middle of a heat wave.

Though they pack light, she carries several items that are handy in the kitchen: a meat thermometer, small packets of spices and a miniature knife sharpener. To help turn ingredients foraged at local markets into meals, she consults Mark Bittman’s book, How to Cook Everything. She reads it, along with everything else, using the Kindle app on her iPhone. It’s also available as an iPhone app. (For others, see “Road-Tested Travel Apps.”)

They are blessed with good health and, unlike others their age, don’t take any medications for chronic conditions. During our lunch at a bistro near the Forbes offices, she showered her chicken and avocado salad with at least a tablespoon of salt. (He ordered quesadillas with guacamole and sour cream.) Both pay Medicare premiums, but since it doesn’t generally cover healthcare outside of the United States, carry travel gap medical insurance. It costs $400 per month for the two of them, with a $2,500 per person deductible and also covers health-related evacuation, which so far they haven’t needed. Less healthy folks might have to pay more for the same coverage, or find it excludes preexisting conditions or medications taken on a regular basis, as noted here.

Though the book is sprinkled with references to age and the difficulty of finding comfortable furniture (especially chairs) in their lodgings, they are flexible in both mind and body and seem none the worse for wear. Still, after several bouts of road weariness, they have learned to pace themselves. They might alternate a day of activity with a day at home, for instance. To take a break from housekeeping, they periodically leave their home base on excursions that involve several nights in a hotel where someone else can make the beds and cook the meals. And instead of transatlantic flights, they book passage on “repositioning” cruises, which provide them with down time as they travel to and fro. They have also had to navigate visa requirements and the so-called Schengen Agreement, which limits how many consecutive days nonresidents can spend within the European Union.
“We’ll move around until we can’t move around anymore,” says Lynne Martin, who urges readers to “postpone nothing.” If frailty and old age rob them of their mobility or independence, they plan to move back to California “as a courtesy to our children,” she says. Meanwhile, they encourage them to come visit, and bring the grandchildren. (See “Seven Tips For Traveling With Grandchildren.”)

In person and in the book, they are as giddy as a couple of newlyweds, which they practically are by an aging boomer’s standard, since they have only been married for seven years. They were an item in their salad days, each married someone else and reunited 35 years later after he got divorced and her first husband died of Alzheimer’s. That makes them different, they acknowledge, from couples their age who have a house full of memories together, or whose annoying habits would get on each other’s nerves if they were joined at the hip 24/7. “We were apart for 35 years, so it isn’t hard for us to be this close,” Lynne Martin says.

A bold move like theirs would also be harder without a spouse or partner for companionship and support. But they’ve noticed that single people are using their Facebook group, Home Free Adventures, to connect with others who share the dream.

The questions people ask most often — in person, on the Facebook page and in comments on their Web site, Home Free Adventures — revolve around friends and family. Some are tethered by responsibilities to aging parents or young-adult children. Leaving everything behind could also be “stressful for long-time marrieds with deeply-rooted connections to their home and community,” Lynne Martin observes.

For those not ready to live home free, there are less radical options. One, of course, is extended overseas stays without giving up your home base. Another is setting up a full-time or part-time residence in a foreign country.

International Living has long dominated the retire overseas market and its new book, The International Living Guide to Retiring Overseas on a Budget: How to Live Well on $25,000 a Year is a practical primer on the subject. The authors, husband and wife team Suzan Haskins, 58 and Dan Prescher, 59, are Nebraska natives who have lived in 4 countries in 13 years. I recently spoke with them by phone from their current home in Cotacachi, Ecuador (population around 9,000), a town in the Andes where they don’t need to own a car and can live for about $1,500 per month.

Though finances shouldn’t be the primary motivation for choosing the ex-pat life, money goes much further in Central and South American than it does in the U.S., they note, making it attractive to retirees on a budget. More than half their book is devoted to country-by-country sketches, focusing on this region, with more cursory coverage of Europe and Southeast Asia.

For these authors and the Martins, a fast and reliable Wi-Fi connection is essential. It’s a tool for making travel plans, communicating with friends back home and most importantly, goofing around with the grandchildren on video Skype.

Archive of Forbes Articles By Deborah Jacobs
Deborah L. Jacobs, a lawyer and journalist, is the author of Estate Planning Smarts: A Practical, User-Friendly, Action-Oriented Guide, now available in the third edition. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Your Time is Limited

When I am traveling, I try to take as little as possible with me because I never know how much (and how steep) I'm going to have to "schlepp" everything. I live in rooms for singles, which means tiny space for more money! I have my kindle and maybe my ipad. Basta.

But I get along fine. I actually feel content and calm.

Content without a lot of possessions to distract me. Just the basics. I have the book I am actually reading— not the 1000+ stacked on my desk, table, couch as I have at home. I appreciate the simplicity of my surroundings. I get out more. It helps me focus.

At home my life is filled with so much stuff. It is not really messy. Yet it is easy to mess up. And neatening takes precious time.

I'm not just cleaning my closet. I'm hoping to clean out my life. And I'm hoping to keep only that which delights me or enhances my well-being. That means ebay, Amazon, Craig's List, giving away, passing down and passing on: clothes, books, shoes, dishes, jewelry, furniture, stuff.

Organizational expert Peter Walsh says in his book Enough Already! that our homes are "overwhelmed with stuff and [our] lives littered with the empty promises that the stuff didn't fulfill.... In buying what we want, we hope to acquire the life we desire.... [But] chasing the life you want by accumulating more stuff is a dead-end street."

More things don't make you feel more alive. Our time here on earth is limited. Wouldn't it be great to revel in living every day without having to organize, clean and manage and maintain THINGS? At least, not as many. It makes sense to stand in front of each and every thing we own and are storing and ask "Do you add to my joy every day?".

I'll admit that I love to read and teach. I am getting a kick out of painting. I like to write books and articles and blogs. A few things bring me joy and make me aware of my motivation and creativity. It makes me feel alive and kicking. All the other stuff is just ornamental.

Feeling more alive is part of fulfilling your true self. It's the reason we're all here.


Friday, March 21, 2014

Mortality can be motivating!

I'm the only one who knows what in my flat has real value (most of it doesn’t) and who might treasure it when I'm gone. So I made a decision: I'm getting rid of it now. I'm 64, seem to be fit, but have threatening health problems. I might go to the Last Hunting Grounds anytime and I never want someone else to have to go through my stuff and decide what to do with it, like my poor brother did in my Mom’s last room. I want to be the boss while I can.

This process started last year and has been a major undertaking—and an exercise in humility, gratitude and even embarrassment. I've seen and experienced so many things, achieved quite a bit for a Kentucky girl and I want to make sure my kids don’t have to come to grips with too much stuff when I pass on. 

My load already feels lighter. I've unearthed my office table and can even see spots of flat, free surface on my shelves.  The other day I dropped into a store in Milan and left with - nothing. I'm too busy getting rid of things to be interested in accumulating any more.

Considering one's own mortality is a great reminder that today's all we've got. There's nothing wrong with stuff. But I want to spend less time cleaning, organizing and thinking about mine. I have too many other things still to do.

But before tossing, know what it's worth!

In 2007, a ceramic bowl sold for $3 at a tag sale in New York state. The bowl's new owners then discovered it was a 1,000-year-old relic from China's Northern Song Dynasty; it was sold at an auction for more than $2 million.

Here's how to determine whether that gilded birdcage bequeathed to you has hidden value — before you part with it. 

Google and Ebay: If an item has no identifying mark, search descriptive words (for example, "green glazed pitcher, grapes on side") to find images or websites that could provide key information. Or browse through eBay's Collectibles & Art section for similar items to determine current market value. If you know the name, designer, or manufacturer of your collectible—and if it's worth something—there's a good chance you'll find an identical or similar one here. Curious about whether your yellowing copy of To Kill a Mockingbird has any value? Type in the title, author and date of publication, and this site will search thousands of booksellers to find any offering the same or a similar edition.
I sold a book the other day for 72€ through Amazon. Much more than I paid because it is now rare.

You Need No More Than 33 Items in Your Closet
In 2006, Courtney Carver, then an advertising executive in Salt Lake City, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. After learning that stress could worsen her symptoms, she set about ridding her life of things that made her anxious, from her debt to her clutter. Carver had habitually stopped by the mall and also enjoyed shopping online. The result: a closet stuffed with items she barely wore—which made getting dressed time-consuming and overwhelming.

Carver had read that most of us wear only 20 percent of our clothes 80 percent of the time, so she decided to try making do with only 33 items—a number she chose just because it "sounded challenging." First she selected her sunglasses, purse and trenchcoat; next, a few staples that were easy to mix and match, including jeans, a black tank and a gray blazer. Carver wondered whether colleagues would notice her limited wardrobe—but she forged ahead and boxed up the rest of her clothes, planning to rotate them every three months to accommodate the changing seasons. She chronicled her efforts on a blog, Project 333, laying out parameters for those who wanted to try their own experiments: shoes, accessories (even jewelry) and outerwear count toward the 33 items; underwear and exercise clothes do not. ("But those yoga pants have to be going to yoga!" she cautions.) 

Carver now says a simpler closet is the gateway to a simpler life. Not only is getting dressed a breeze, but since she sticks to well-fitting basics rather than buying trendy styles, "I get more compliments than ever before." She has donated much of her excess clothing to charity. In 2011, she quit her day job to focus on her website,, which offers advice and e-courses to others hoping to pare down. Says Carver, "Not one of my happiest memories is tied to anything I own."

Carver has a list of Simplifying Starters:
1. Write it down. Make a list of all the reasons you want to live more simply. If you are sick of debt collectors, write it down. Mad that you never get any time with your kids? Write it down. To stressed out to sleep at night? Put it on paper. Want to fire your boss? Yep, write that down too. These are your whys and your whys will provide great leverage when you think it’s too hard to keep going. Your whys will help you remember what matters.
2. Discard the duplicates. Walk through your home with a box and fill it with duplicates. If you have two sets of measuring cups, put them in the box. Copies of the same book or DVD? Put one in the box. Doubles on place mat sets? You only need one. Once you fill the box, label it “Duplicates” and put it out of sight for 30 days. If you don’t need anything or don’t remember what was in the box, donate it.
3. Declare a clutter-free zone. This area could be a kitchen table, your nightstand, a countertop or a drawer in your kitchen. Use that clutter-free zone as inspiration to live with less. If you enjoy that clean, clear environment, expand the zone a little bit each day. A clutter-free countertop can become a clutter-free room and a clutter free room can become the clutter-free, minimalist home you’ve been thinking about.
4. Travel lightly. Travel always renews my love of minimalism and living simply. The next time you take a trip, pack for 1/2 the time. If you are traveling for 4 days, pack for 2. You can wash and hang clothes if you need to or wear the same things twice. See how it feels to carry less baggage.
5. Dress with Less. If you haven’t considered Project 333, dressing with only 33 items for 3 months (clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories) sounds extreme, but thousands of people know that it actually makes life easier instead of more challenging.
6. Eat similar meals. When you think about how much time you spend thinking about what you are going to eat for lunch, make your family for dinner, or what you need to pick up at the grocery store, it’s clear that food is not always simple. Try eating the same breakfast and lunch all week and have 2 or 3 dinner choices that rotate throughout the week. If your family complains, let them know it’s an experiment and then talk about it at the end of the week.
7. Save $1000. An emergency fund simplifies everything. If you are paying off debt, only pay your minimum payments until you can save $1000. If you aren’t in debt, but still spend what you have, set aside money every day or every week until you reach $1000. Try the 52 week money challenge and in 45 weeks, you’ll save more than $1000 without ever contributing more than $45 in a week. Money for emergencies reduces stress and emergencies.
Try these one at a time and continue to take tiny steps and lean into the life you crave. Even if it takes 10 years to get to where you think you want to be, the benefits begin immediately.
The beauty of being a beginner minimalist is that you can be curious, and daring. You can ask for help, get back up if you fall, and look forward to new adventures in a life with less stuff, drama, debt, and obligation.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


My beautiful mother passed away softly on March 10, 2014. I miss her so much.