Saturday, January 31, 2015

February and are your resolutions slipping?

Lots of folks start off the year with incredibly ambitious plans for the new year. They add new, wished-for habits, try to break detrimental ones, eat intelligently, drink less...

The motivation starts to wane around February.

If this is happening to you, pick out THE MOST IMPORTANT GOAL from all the others you've set. Find ways to discover the joy in doing or achieving it. Be mindful of doing it, or steps toward it. Enjoy your will to win on this.

I have established a reading-meditation-yoga routine every morning. If I have to leave the house by 7, I need to wake up quite early to get everything in. I really enjoy the time spent with my "program" and am thinking about doing it in the evening.

My eating is good - vegetarian or vegan but I'll enjoy chocolate, a cookie or a glass of wine occasionally. I'm not trying to be a saint.

Speaking of saintlyhood - I do feel more relaxed and centered. How nice.

My goal of walking outside has been less successful. If the weather is too yucky, I don't. So there.

Keep up the good work- it's for a good cause. YOU!

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