Saturday, October 17, 2015

Italian Women

Ah, Italian women.

I say that even though I am a woman. 

I like the way they look and carry themselves. So I've decided to become one.

Well, no, it doesn't really work like that. But I can fake it a bit.

Italian women adorn themselves with jewelry. Check.

So I went to the Ponte Vecchio where the gold shops are and bought myself a gold necklace, a collier. Umm, looks nice even on my wrinkly neck. Then I bought a gold bracelet from Swarovki. Whew, I'm smokin'.

So now, when I go out, I adorn myself with jewels. My earrings, gold watch, bracelets, two rings and collier. Even if I am only zipping up the street to the store.

Then I ask somebody something in Italian. Really suave-like. "Dove posso trovare un 
bancomat qui vicino?" 
(Where can I find an ATM machine/hole-in-the-wall here close by?) 
And I attentively pretend I've understood the answer.

I mean, am I cool or what?

Most Italian women are slender. I don't see how they resist the gelato and the amazing 
dolci and pastries. And it seems like everybody eats pasta and get by with it. 
You’d think they’d pile on the pounds, but the opposite is true. Basically Italian women 
don’t eat junk, they’d rather not eat than put anything substandard in their mouths and a thoughtful, consistent approach to mealtimes, sitting down three times a day and rarely snacking, means they keep their trim figures. Quality over quantity. 
No check here for me.

Italian women have a sense of style. They seem to have this innate ability to put clothes together and look good. They don’t overdo it either, in fact, they even flirt with conservatism, but in Italy you will rarely see a badly dressed woman. (You see a lot of badly dressed American girls though!) Italian women don’t just throw something on, and there’s a coherence in what they wear, a look. And it gives them confidence, even the very plain or average looking Italian woman moves with a certain confidence and that is in itself very attractive. I guess this means I'll be tossing my Sketchers and clogs.

Women are in general more emotional, but Italian women ride the extremes of human existence in their emotional ‘intelligence’. Everything they say sounds like a dramatic story. Now that I can understand some Italian, I realize that the passionate exclamations some of them are emanating are simply the grocery list! Check here if I'm not in Germany. There, I'm the undercooled business lady.

Italian women all seem to be university educated with masters and PhDs for fun. They almost all speak at least three languages and incredibly, the do it all while looking fantastic and being ultra feminine. A professional Italian woman is the kind of colleague you want on your team, a brilliant communicator, inventive and resourceful, when she says she’ll get something done, you know it’ll be done. 
I could get some checks in here if you count my weak Eyetalian as the third language.

Italian women have a great sense of humor. Perhaps they’re used to deflecting the unwanted attentions of the Italian male, but most Italian women are equipped with a witty and disarming sense of humour. They differ from their male compatriots in that they're more than willing to laugh at themselves. Hey! Check here. Not for the deflecting part but I love to laugh. And have been known to show some educated humor here and there.

Hmm, looks like I've still got some work cut out for me. Non mi arrendo mai.

A dopo.

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