Saturday, March 9, 2013

Making a mountain into a molehill

March 10, 2013

Downsizing definitely seems difficult, unpleasant or overpowering sometimes. You can bring the task down to size and make it less intimidating using the "mountain to molehill" method!

Set aside a mere 10 or 15 minutes a day to work on the task. By the end of one week, you'll have spent at least an hour on downsizing, and you may have found that it's not quite as horrible as you thought.

By spending only a few minutes each day, you are accomplishing a small and perhaps less intimidating task, one that is less likely to get put off. Once you are involved and maybe even interested in the task (Hey, it is your stuff!), you are less likely to get put off.

Monday: Make it meaningful -- Why is that task important?
If you have been putting off downsizing, take a minute to list all the benefits of completing the task. Look at the job in the perspective of your goals. Relate the task(-s) to your goals, and be specific about the payoffs and rewards.

Tuesday: Take it apart.
Break big jobs into small, manageable parts. Then be determined to complete one of those tasks. Make each task something you can accomplish in 15 minutes or less. (I set a timer and rush around like Speedy Gonzales, which makes me giggle.) Make the results measurable so you can see your progress.
My present tasks are broken up into small parts automatically. I have about 5 open-top file boxes that I used for hanging files. They are/were filled with handouts from the time before I used my computer to save the things and send them directly to the seminar hosts. 

Since my daughter is starting a new home office, she is going to take the boxes and hanging files. The handouts go into "file 13"!

Wednesday: Write an intention statement
Use an intention statement in conjunction with a small task you have created. Write your statement on small cards, and carry them with you or post in an obvious place so that you can see them often. One of my cards reads, "I intend to clear out 5 open-top file boxes and bring the boxes to my daughter".  I will reward myself with an hour of "fun" reading. Well, probably an ice cream cone is more likely.

Thursday: Tell everyone
Announce your intention publicly. Telling the world of your intention is an excellent technique to ensure its completion. Make the world your support group (as in "blog").

Friday: Find a reward
Rewards can be difficult to construct. A reward must be something that you would genuinely withhold from yourself if you did not earn it. Don't pick a movie as a reward if you plan to go anyway. You may find that movies, clothes, eating out or even a wellness day are more enjoyable when you feel like you've earned it.

Saturday: Settle it, now
Do it! Do it now! The minute you notice yourself procrastinating, plunge into the task. Start with an easy part, if there is one. Don't ease in, just JUMP! It is sometimes simply less painful to leap.

Sunday: Savor the feeling of having the task(-s) behind you. GOOD JOB!

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