Monday, April 29, 2013

A Kick to the Seat of the Pants

We all remember times when someone or something set off a change in us.

I remember my ex-husband saying after a game of Monopoly, "You are great with money in this game. Why can't you do that in real life?". That got under my skin because he was right. Since then, I've learned about investing, saving, not going into debt, the lurking danger with credit cards and how to organize all my money matters.

Once at a dinner party, someone asked me about my plans for the future. "I am going to write a book", I said. "How long have you been planning to do this?" asked the man. "Hmm, for twenty years" said I. "Then forget it. If you haven't done it in twenty years, you probably won't at all!" was the reaction that changed everything. Within three months, I had finished my first book. The man from the dinner party got the first copy of my first four books (Number 4 was the one I'd wanted to write the last twenty years!). Each one was signed by me praising him for his "kick to the seat of my pants"!

Cleaning out my wardrobe last Saturday gave me another much-needed jolt. Up until then, I'd kept all the clothes that didn't fit anymore. So they'd be ready until I lost "a few pounds". Well folks, a few pounds won't cover it. Trying to get into the clothes was a shock. The shock that woke me up.

Now, I am eating less, no snacking and I track my food intake with a special app. The calorie count climbs quicker than you think. Sunday and Monday, I took part in two hours of vigorous exercise. Even though my muscles are sore, I feel content. 

Sometimes the biggest gift we can get is a kick to the seat of the pants!

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