Tuesday, October 2, 2018

High-Quality Habits are an investment in Your Best Life!

According to the latest research on creating happiness, having a feeling of control over your life is one of the most significant drivers in creating happiness.  High-Quality Habits will not only put you on the path to success, they will also put you on the healthy path to happiness.

Here are the top habits to help improve the quality of your life across 4 spectrums:
-Happiness Habits 
-Health Habits 
-Income Habits 
-Leisure Habits 

Happiness Habits
Spend a time every single day being conscious of what you have to be grateful for.  You can write this in your journal or just speak them out loud when you wake up and before you fall asleep.
Appreciate other people.  You can mention positive behaviors that others do, send an appreciative note of thanks, even just thinking something nice about the person in front of you lifts your mood.  Serve everything with a large portion of SMILE.
Meditate daily.  One recent study, published in JAMA’s Internal Medicine states just that mindfulness meditation will ease the psychological stresses associated with depression, anxiety, and pain.  All you need to do is sit quietly and stay in the moment.  If you have thoughts, and who doesn’t, just let them float by without dwelling on them.  Using your senses, you are aware of the sights, smells, body sensations, etc. right in the moment. Even one minute of stillness helps.
Learn.  Learn every single day and spend 10 to 30 minutes doing this. You don’t have to commit to huge blocks of time as long as you do a little bit every single day. Use books, audio-books, recordings, webinars, informative YouTube videos, etc.  If you stick to a single theme, you can become an expert on it and, if you wish, use it to augment your income. Whether it's books about presenting, negotiating, making war, influencing, statistics, language, history, or anything else, there's something there to learn about how to work differently and make connections other people don't see.

Health Habits
Walk more.  Studies have suggested that waking 10,000 steps per day not only helps with weight loss, but that it also helps to decrease your risk of heart disease and diabetes.  I have found a fitness tracker keeps me informed about how many steps I’ve taken each day.  Sometimes, if I can’t get out for a walk, I just enjoy walking to a YouTube video.  The people in the video are happily enjoying walking, the music is energizing and the leader motivating.  My fitness tracker even counts those steps, even though I’m „only“ walking in place most of the time! Use the stairs, park a bit farther away and walk more steps to your destination.
Drink water. The Institute of Medicine determined that men should drink 3 liters (13 cups) daily and women should be getting 2.2 liter (9 cups).  Using a drink reminder app helps you think about drinking and keeping a bottle of water wherever you are reminds you to empty it.
Sleep enough. Many people are living with a sleep deficit.  That saps their energy, makes them less motivated and productive, and generally takes the zest out of life.  It can even contribute to overweight!  Multiple studies have suggested that not only does sleep help to improve things like memory, but it also helps to boost the longevity of life, increase awareness, and spur creativity.
Avoid Junk Food like the plague.  It will make you unhealthy. Period.
Exercise.  Yes, you knew it was coming but there is no getting around it.  Our bodies crave movement and responds excellently to strength training. Whether it’s light jogging, weights, yoga, a treadmill or some other lightly strenuous activity, merely getting started will help to build the habit. Do it in the morning to energize your day or after work to clear your head.
Eat smart.  I’m not telling you to be a vegetarian or to go vegan.  Avoid processed foods and anything with a list of ingredients you need a PhD to read.  Watch for hidden sugars and don’t use sweeteners.  Cook your own meals so you know what’s in your food, and use fresh produce.
Take pit stops during the day.  Focus intensely for a time period and then take a healthy break.  Walk away from your work area, take some deep breaths at the window or walk quickly around the building.  You can do stretches or get in 5 minutes of muscle training using a resistance band.  Don’t skip breaks. Rethink the habit of using breaks to smoke.
Recognize the importance of downtime.  Decompressing, and reflecting on all that you have already accomplished, finding time for solitude, being aware of and engaging with the loves in your life.  Keeping a work-life balance can be difficult, but having a healthy mind and body makes it much easier.

Income Habits
Time Management.  Managing your time demands daily attention and a pursuit of the important over the urgent. This means defining your tasks so that you pursue the all-important goals and not simply reacting to the urgent matters that come up in your day.  You need to keep the highest priorities in your sights. Start your day by setting clear priorities for yourself and then make a conscientious effort to minimize distractions.  Don’t spend your time putting out unnecessary fires if you’re not a fireman!
Begin the day with a specific purpose.  Being busy all day doesn't necessarily equate to getting things done. It's easy to get caught up in the fire drills, meetings, and typical busy work that rule our professional lives, but the drawback is that at the end of the day, rather than feeling accomplished, we end up just feeling exhausted--and maybe a little frustrated that our to-do list went unchecked--again. One of Stephen Covey's seven habits is to 'begin with the end in mind.'  Remain focused despite daily obstacles."
Plan tomorrow the night before.  Take the time at the end of the day to assimilate everything that happened that day, wrap up loose ends and have a clear game plan for the next day. Designate your three MOST IMPORTANT THINGs. This helps you sleep better and wake up ready to tackle the day motivated.
Use psychological strength in order to succeed at your profession.  This includes being tenacious, having a clear vision, identifying a niche and going all-in on an opportunity, creating a warm, family-like work atmosphere, eliminating negative self-talk, and always seeking that next challenge.
Goal Setting. Develop a system for setting goals and ensure that you engage in goal setting every single day. Pursue the goals that are important to you and your work, and ensure that you build checklists to help you accomplish what you want over time. Don’t let yourself get derailed by getting distracted with no-priorities like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp, etc. Keep your eye on the prize.
Save a percentage of your earnings. At least 20% of your income should be saved, in order to build up your money for an emergency fund and investment opportunities.  Your savings should be automated. Setup a savings account to automatically deduct the funds from your personal account every single time you get paid. Ensure that the money goes out before you can even get used to seeing it in your checking account.
The Hedonic Treadmill
In 1971, the behavioral psychologists Donald T. Campbell and Phillip Brickman coined the term, “Hedonic Treadmill,” also known as “Hedonic Adaptation.” The term makes reference to the natural tendencies for humans to revert back to a set point of happiness after major changes – either positive or negative – to their lives.  When you get a raise, you’ll start spending more and, soon, you are used to that way of life and want more.  You will always want more, no matter what you have.  That’s why it is important to have a percentage of income go straight to a savings account so you don’t even know it’s there.  You won’t miss it, but later, you’ll have it!
Track where your money is going. Small leaks sink big ships. $5 per-day latte habits equate to $1825 spent alone on coffee a year. $20 lunches out every single day equates to $7300 a year. Track and audit all of your expenses.
Pay off credit card debt in full each month.  If you can’t do that, you shouldn’t even be using one.  Only have ONE credit card.
Educate yourself constantly. Spend at least 30 minutes each day with education in your career or towards investments. Whether you read it online or in print, subscribe to something that can help to advance your career. If you want to educate yourself in investments, terrific. Visit seminars.  Find a mentor.  Increase your competence and build useful skills.  Spend each day learning just a little bit, and over time, you’ll see tremendous results.

Leisure Habits 

What are you doing when you’re not working?  Do you sit in front of the TV, snack in hand/mouth.  Or do you engage in some or all of the following habits?

Keep a clean and neat living environment. “Clean house, clean mind.” Spend a few minutes of your leisure time organizing your surroundings. Take 5 minutes to clean up your desk, de-clutter, or simply to throw things away. You’ll be surprised at how much your quality of life will increase when you get organized.  The rule „A place for everything, and everything in it’s place“ will serve you well.  Then you won’t have to invest your precious time in marathon cleaning sessions.
Boost the quality of your life by socializing and networking. It’s been said that 79% of rich people spend 5 hours or more networking, whereas the poor spend 16% of their time doing so. But, networking doesn’t have to be just solely for business. Simply take an interest in other peoples’ lives.  Being with friends and family increases your emotional well-being.
Fight procrastination. Do one thing that you’ve been putting off every single day. This is a tremendous way to overcome procrastination and build the habit of moving your life forward. Create a list of all the things that you’ve been putting off. Then, commit to spending just 5-15 minutes each day doing one of those things. Even if you can’t complete it, make sure that you spend daily time working on it.  When I used to have a TV, I’d jump up during commercials and do 5 minutes toward an ugh-task.  It always surprised me how much I got done, once I got started.  Magically, my motivation increased.
Get better by 1% every day. The key to building a better business or becoming Your Best Self rests in making small, continuous improvements every single day. Instead of incorporating drastic changes in a short amount of time, focus on making something 1 percent better than the day before. It doesn't sound like much, but those small improvements will start compounding, and that will gradually lead to the change you want.

So there you are.  Some people have their morning and/or evening rituals which encompass several of the above mentioned habits.  If a habit is new to you, you might need to use reminders and notifications so you don’t forget them.  Once they are established, which can take quite some time, you will do them automatically.